Monday, August 3, 2009

Top 10 Soul Crushing moments from the CWOAS- Number 10

Finding out- Believe it or not, once you look back, you will see that as soul crushing as this moment was. . .it is only the 10th worst moment of the whole situation.

I got the Jerry Springer reveal. . .I actually caught him by coming home early. . .in my bed, kids downstairs. . .

The situation cannot be replicated with a lot of accuracy, since I JUST REMEMBER RED HOT RAGE. . .and little else. . .BUT

I can try to give you a sense of what it was like. . .

OH.MY.G-D. WHAT THE FUCK???? THE KIDS ARE RIGHT DOWNSTAIRS, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????

I also got the talk show version by having him start to blame me for needing to go elsewhere for passion and sex. . .and as a special wonderful treat, he decided to throw me up against the wall for the "sin" of finding out he was cheating on me before he was "ready to tell the truth"- finishing off with a few punches to my face, throwing me to the floor, and kicking me in the stomach. . . which got him a night in jail and the life long hatred of his older sons. . .and I went on like nothing was really wrong. . .when everything was and kind of still is.

Upshot, I know I am not perfect, but I also know it is not my fault that he chose to do this to me, made the decision to break his vows. . .it is his fault. He threw away something so precious, his life his family, and well, maybe one day he will want it back, but it is gone forever. Despite his belief that he only "left me, not the kids" he DID leave the kids, left them in order to pursue a better sex life, with someone so very exciting and awesome. . .and no longer in his life. Someday, maybe, he will wake up alone, scared, sick or all of the above, and maybe he will wonder, what the hell did I do? And the answer just may kill him. . .

Another Upshot- this is only the tip of the ice berg. . .numbers 9-1 are even worse. . .you have been warned. . .


  1. You should have left the sorry-excuse-for-a-man (insert expletive) years ago. That is unforgivable. You are too strong and smart and competent and confident to live a Lifetime movie. And -- oh the contraditions -- it is not your fault.

  2. I know. . .I know- my life became a sideshow freak fest. . .
