Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cheating and the Kids. . .

So- when you consider life after cheating. . .one of the things that can really complicate things is the kids. Not because they are a problem, but because there can be many MANY hard questions to answer. . .

My particular CWOAS was of the sort where he used the kids as props. . .lures. . .so frakkin stereotypical it is gut churning. . .AND when he leaves them with one woman he met, to go have sex with another woman he arranged to meet at the same time, it can be very confusing for the kids to understand. Add a special needs child and a COMPLETE lack of understanding on the part of the CWOAS. . .and well, it is disaster. . .cubed. . .

Kids are part of the situation, but never part of the problem. . .

Stand firm! Do not let them be used as a way to pick up partners. . .handling this situation is tricky. . .but here is how I continue to "handle it"-

CWOAS- Hey, Do you think I can just take Cocoa for the day?

Me- Umm no, you are supposed to take all this kids. . .remember?

CWOAS-It's just that my plans are a bit more possible with only her. . .

Me- Umm your plans? You are supposed to be planning things with your children. . .that is why it is called "visitation"

CWOAS- Well I was going to take her to the park. . .and leave her with the daughter of a woman I am meeting. . .

Me-(are you FUCKING kidding me??) I am sorry, but you cannot do this with my children. YOU CANNOT LEAVE THM WITH STRANGERS SO YOU CAN HOOK UP!

CWOAS- Well, tell them I will hang out with them some other time. . .

Me- Yeah. . .

It is what it is. . .

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